Welcome to Clinical Pilates & Rehab delivered by Osteopaths & Physiotherapist, with tailored and specific programs to get you feeling better and back to doing what you love.

Clinical Pilates & Rehab Torquay

How Is What We Offer Different?

  • Qualified Pilates instructor instructing an older women in a squat in front of a pilates trapeze table


    1:1 hour long comprehensive history and biomechanical assessment.

  • Group on Women sitting on pilates mats. One is in a lunge, another in a mermaid pose and other cross legged.

    Program Design

    We develop a targeted and personalised printed rehab program.

  • A women in a Clinical Pilates session lying sideways on a pilates trapeze table. She is being assisted by qualified Osteopathy instructor

    1:1 Clinical Pilates

    1hr or 40min sessions available with hands on adjustments, education and support.

  • Women on a pilates reformer being instructed by a qualified osteopath

    Studio Group

    Group of up to 4 people with 1 practitioner supervising to ensure correct technique and set-up.

About Sequence Clinical Pilates

When working with us at Sequence you will receive a thorough assessment of your current condition and goals. We work with your specific needs to devise a pilates program tailored to you. We offer hands on corrections and feedback in the sessions and ensure you understand your body and movement patterns.

Pilates is suitable for people of all ages and abilities (including pre/post natal and elderly), as it is a great way to improve balance, control, core strength and flexibility. Clinical Pilates uses specific floor based exercises and spring resisted equipment to train the body’s deep postural and ‘core’ muscles.

At Sequence we use a combination of pilates-methods and strength and conditioning principles to ensure that you can reach your goals!


Leigh Greenaway-Lock

“Such a great space with such experienced instructors who individually adapt a personal pilates program for you… can't recommend Melissa and the team highly enough.”

Renee Moodie

I needed help creating a program to use with my reformer at home, Emma helped me to understand my breath work and helped correct my technique to really make the most of my workouts. Instant relief from my back pain!

“There is nothing impossible to
him who will try.”

— Alexander the Great